August 24th, 2014 – Denton, Texas

The “2014 3rd Annual Texas Beta Balanced Man Scholarship Luncheon” turned out to be another huge success this year at the Business Leadership Building on the University of North Texas campus.
Over 70 people were in attendance for this event that ultimately ended up donating $3500 to both incoming and active students at UNT. Some of those in attendance were first year UNT President Neil Smatresk, Dean of Business Finley Graves, UNT’s distinguished alumni Drew Springer Sr., State Representative Drew Springer Jr., UNT professor Harvey Zimmerman, and longtime Texas Beta alumni Gayland Howell.
Both Graves and Smastrek spoke to the large crowd at the BLB about the Texas Beta chapter, UNT resources, UNT accomplishments and future goals, and the keys for academic success which are always so important to new and active students during their time in college.
Michael Moon/Technifax Academic Scholarship recognizing Diligence

Michael Don Eller Academic Scholarship recognizing Brotherly Love

Frank N. Martino Academic Scholarship recognizing Virtue

Jack Wheeler Academic Scholarship recognizing Brotherly Love

If you would like to know more about the opportunity to donate or apply for scholarships, please go to for more information.