2014 SigEp Safari Tops Previous Years

The SigEp Safari charity rose to new heights this year as the event raised an impressive $7000 for the Guzman23 Foundation from September 29th thru October 2nd, 2014. The very creative philanthropy which is second to none at the campus at UNT involved a safari guide auction, cage building auction, “capture the flag on campus” competition, a La Milpa’s Mexican food dinner event, and yes, a hot dog eating contest.
The event involved over 400 participants, most coming from sorority membership on campus; hats off to V.P. of Programming Jordan Douglass for his diligence and continued efforts around the planning of this very successful annual event.
The Guzman23 Foundation is close to Texas Beta’s heart as one of their own active members is the son of past Texas Ranger pitcher Jose Guzman for which the charity is named after.
To donate : please contact Jordan Douglass at jordandouglass1993@hotmail.com.