6th Annual Sigma Phi Epsilon Career Night

In Alumni, News

April 29th, 2015 (Denton, TX)


Entry level jobs and career development were the two main discussion points during the 6th Annual Sigma Phi Epsilon Career Night at the Sig Ep House started by past Texas Beta president and AVC member Gary Jeffries.   Over 30 actives and alumni attended this dinner function which showcased the Assistant Director of the UNT Career Center Brian Hirsch.


Hirsch would discuss ways to get a head-start on a career which sometimes makes the difference with a smooth transition in the work force compared to a delayed progression in one’s career.  He went on to discuss the importance of utilizing the UNT Career Center for career selection, possible internships, interviewing skill enhancement, and the Eagle Network job resource.


Alumni from several different careers participated at a high level telling stories of success, adversity and transition which seemed to put things in perspective for the active members on hand. Some of the UNT alumni faces in the crowd were Wade Willis, Joe Busick, Tim Williams, Rick Goodwin, Kelly Rainier, Graham Barnett, Bruce Noller, Glen Ezell, Harvey Zimmerman and Bud Smith.


The Annual Career Night “Academic Scholarship” would also be handed out on this evening and this year’s recipient would go to freshman Jamie Wood. Wood would sport one of the highest GPAs in the fraternity in the fall and spring while majoring in mechanical engineering. The Denison, Texas native was a key ingredient with the construction of the Greek Sig Ep letters. Wood’s next task will be to take on the job of house manager this coming fall.



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